
Welcome to my webpage! I am a PhD Student in Finance at the New York University's Stern School of Business. My main research interests are in asset pricing and macro-finance, with secondary interests in public finance.

Update: I am currently working on my job market paper that is taking a deep dive into intermediary asset pricing. Stay tuned for more updates and feel free to reach me via email at nzarra at nyu dot stern dot edu or nicholas dot zarra at gmail dot com.

Job Market

Priming the Stock Market: How Prime Broker Loan Supply Drives Stock Market Fluctuations

Why do intermediaries matter for equity prices? Because intermediaries are marginal lenders.


The rise of partisan politics in the US diminishes the efficacy of U.S. federal fiscal policy.

Work in Progress

Asset Pricing with Trending Taxes

Competition Policy and Radical Innovation: The Role of VC Portfolio Choice

Teaching Experience

Lecturer in Corporate Finance--2021

I lectured a 32 person elective course at Stern, receiving perfect teaching reviews (5.0/5.0) and a commendation letter from the school

Colleagues, Co-Authors and Mentors

Research is hard. I've been blessed with an amazing group of mentors, colleagues and co-authors along the way. See them of here .